RPCA Re-Enrollment Form
Open enrollment for current families is open February 13 - 28, 2025. Enrollment extends to families with students currently attending RPCA and their siblings, such as upcoming Kindergarteners. Grades open for enrollment for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year are: Kindergarten through 10th grade for on-campus classes. We have a strict 15-student classroom cap.
Please visit the Tuition page for 2025-2026 rates
Registration Fee: $160 per student (due at open enrollment)
Curriculum Fee: $160 per student remainder (due by May 1, 2025)
This is the non-refundable $320 curriculum fee and will be used to be order curriculum for the 2025-2026 school year.
After May 1st, a late fee will be applied. After May 21st, if the remaining balance is unpaid, the student's spot will open for those on the waitlist.
RPCA faculty and staff are committed to providing a Christian educational experience in an environment that is focused on the Word of God and Biblical teachings. Partnering with like-minded families of the faith, our goal is to both prepare students academically but also impart spiritual wisdom rooted in God's truth.
Children entering kindergarten shall be five (5) years of age on or before August 15th of the 2024-2025 school year. Students will be required to have all state mandated vaccines, except for COVID-19 and the Flu.
Current Family Re-registration: 2025-2026
Church-related Umbrella School
Redemption Point Christian Academy (RPCA) will operate as a Category IV Church-related Umbrella School. Students will come to RPC campus at a brick-and-mortar setting, along with the principals, teachers, faculty and staff Monday through Thursday of each week. Fridays will be asynchronous, at-home learning days with independent work to complete to meet state requirements, but childcare will be offered.
Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-50-801, by authority of the same statute, parents may choose to "home school" their children by registering with a church-related "umbrella" school in this manner. Much like a private school, parents will bring their children to RPC Christian Academy to receive grade-appropriate, biblically sound instruction from trained educators.
Parents who choose RPCA will be required to provide evidence to the local school district that their child is enrolled in a church-related school, which will be in the form of an acceptance letter from the school upon successful enrollment and grade placement on official letterhead. An Intent to Home School form is not required for students who enroll in a church-related school. The church-related school will determine record keeping and test requirements for students enrolled in an umbrella program and submit the form to the student's school system of residence.
Visit the Tennessee Department of Education, homeschooling section for more information: click here